What If There is a Fire at the Venue?
What If There is a Fire at the Venue?
Fires can be a huge danger in any place, especially a crowed music venue or music festival. However, here are some tips on what to watch for and how to react if a fire takes place. *Disclaimer- I am not an expert or professional on venue fires and crowd safety, in the event of a real fire please follow the advice and direction of the professionals. *
The first step, is a prevention step called Hazard Spotting. Beware when you are at an event of what’s around you that could be a fire hazard. Some of these hazards include; faulty cords or electrical equipment, lit or smoldering cigarettes and open flames. Lighters at the show are fine, but they become a huge fire hazard when you use it like a phone light. I once saw a girl at a show, who flicked on her lighter flame and closed her eyes while vibing to the music. In the tight crowd and with her eyes closed, lighter girl would have had no idea if her flame accidently lit someone on fire and created a disaster. Many of the extreme fire hazards at concerts (such as stage fire jets and fireworks) are in the hands the concert design, pyrotechnics specialist, set up team and the venue staff. But as a fan, it is still good to be aware that those too are fire hazards. Always be sure to report any suspicious or alarming activity to the venue security.
My last and most important tip is to respond!
Concerts have their own unique challenge with all the lights, stage fire features and stage smoke, sometimes it is hard to know what is going on if something happens.
During your 5-Minute Seat Safety Check, identify the closest exits so that in the event of an emergency, you know how to get out of the venue. If a fire alarm goes off at the venue or festival it will most likely be a loud steady beeping or siren immediately followed by an announcement over a loud speaker. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS GIVEN! Even if the people around you are not reacting, do not disregard the instructions in case it is a real emergency.