Concert Goers Code of Conduct and Why it Matters


Concert Goers Code of Conduct

Every major venue will have a Code of Conduct listed on their website that sets the exception of appropriate behavior and actions for a concert goer. The Code of Conduct can usually be found on the policy page of any big venue’s website and vary from venue to venue. It is advised to read or at least skim the Code of Conduct before going to any concert. With set exceptions in the back of your mind, you are less likely to do or say something you may regret later.  

It is so disheartening to see so many people getting kicked out of a concert for choosing to break the Concert Code of Conduct. I also feel it is very disrespectful to the music artist performing. While you took the time to buy a ticket and come to their show, getting kicked out sends the message that you do not respect or care about their performance. Have fun and enjoy the concert, but remember to be kind, respectful and use self control while at a show. 

The Code of Conduct webpage on the venue’s website also has a phone number you can text for assistants if you come across someone who is displaying inappropriate behavior. I also like to keep that number on hand just in case a scenario arises.   


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